Wednesday 10 January 2018

Bukit Gemuk, Tawau

Hi everyone! 

So today I want to share my experience went to Bukit Gemuk. Baru pegi 2 kali actually even dah tinggal 20 tahun dekat Tawau hahaha sad. So the first time I went there was with my Alam Sekitar's Club when I was in form 6 on 2016. The second time I went was last year with my friends. 

If you don't know where the place you can search it on google map. It will show up. So tak payah susah susah risau tak tau jalan kan. 

Masa masuk Bukit Gemuk tu kena bayar rm5 per person. Masa first time I went there masi lagi rm2 but idk why tahun lepas rm5 sudah.If Im not mistaken lah. Sorry its not free. Hehehe.  

This bukit isnt really tinggi but penat juga hiking naik sampai atas. Tinggi dia kira-kira 428 meter from the sea level. 

Sebelum sampai atas tu, Kita akan lalu 7 pondok. Which is tempat untuk kita rest lah kan. The way from pondok 1 to pondok 4 is okay I think. Its not challenging sangat but from pondok 4 to pondok 5 (if Im not mistaken) jalannya agak curam sikit and the gap antara pondok jauh you know. For me that was the most tiring part. But if you pass that phase its okay lah sudah. Its not curam sangat sudah. 

When you reach the peak, di atas ada canopy walk/tittian silara (silara okay bukan sirat hahaha) it is 231 meter long. Ada 6/7 titian if Im not mistaken. The view up there is great. Then when you go down back, its easy lah. You wont get tired sudah like you have to stop di setiap pondok untuk rehat like when you go up there. You can smoothly go down but be careful sebab boleh tergelincir.  

So here a few picture of me and my friends when we went there last year ^^

 So this is the canopy walk/titian silara

 Kami pegi 7 orang. Di sini ada 5 ja sebab yang 
lagi 2 tak berani lalu canopy walk sebab gayat hahaha sian member 😂

 Front : acah kiut
Mid : acah tidur
Back : acah pandang masa depan 

The sun is brighter than my future lol ☼

So thats all because Im not good at explaining things but at least I tried lah kan hahaha see ya in next post! hehehehe
