Thursday 1 December 2016

Keep faith

You want it. You worked hard for it. You gave your all bcs you want it so bad. But you don't achieve it. Allah is testing you. Your heart hurts. All you wanted to do is cry and need someone who will listen. Listen to your sad and depressing thought. You wish someone are there for you. 

You don't have it maybe bcs its not the right time. 
Maybe its not meant for you. 
Or maybe there's something better waiting for you. 

Be patient. Be positive. 

Surely, this hard times will pass. Not today. 
But maybe tomorrow. Maybe next week or maybe 5 years later.
Keep faith and don't give up. 
Please keep your head up and your heart strong. 
Sadness won't last long. Keep it in mind.

Don't ever forget that happiness doesn't last long too. 
There will always have an obstacle to make us human. 
To make us improve ourselves much better than yesterday.
To make us stronger than before.
Bcs this is life. Life is not that simple and easy.

And of course, this is not the end yet. 
As long as you believe in Allah.
There's nothing you couldn't do. 
Allah is the best helper and planner after all.